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Karma and Karmic Astrology

 A few thoughts, ideas, and a bit of information on how I work with Karma


By Dena L Moore, Intuitive Evolutionary Karmic Astrologer and Venusian Metatron Channel.


Copyright 2002.  Not to be distributed anywhere, in any format, without my explicit written permission.

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We are on the earth plane for two reasons.  First, we are here to play a role in the evolution of humankind on an universal level.  Second, we have made a pact within ourselves to evolve on a personal level.  These two goals are decidedly interconnected and cannot be separated; like the lunar pull on the tides here on Earth, our soul pulls our current personality forward.  As we struggle with personal evolution, our thoughts and actions seep into the universal soul and affect everyone and everything on Earth and indeed, in our entire Solar system (perhaps beyond).


While working on personal evolution consciously, the soul is simultaneously working on a higher plane for the greater good.  Although the soul is embedded in the current incarnation, it has memories and ways of being that may not feel comfortable to the current personality until some growth has occurred.  It is my belief that the soul is in constant contact with both the source of all being and with all other souls.  It moves freely through time and space, making contact and searching for answers, particularly while we sleep.  As we evolve personally, we gain more access to the knowledge of our soul and thus, more access to the knowledge of other souls and the universe itself.  We may begin to form relationships we would have never considered previously and we may begin looking to other beings who are more ‘aware’ for guidance.  The importance of physical beauty begins to lose its hold on us as we begin to see the beauty in everything and everyone, and more importantly, we look beyond the wounded facades that others present and see the light of their being.  Even in the darkest pits of despair, we are consciously aware of the light. Continuing on a path of growth, we will begin to embrace the hard times as simply patterns of evolution and recognize that we ‘need’ this difficult situation so that we may refine our soul.  Life’s circular motion reminds us that we need the dark and the light to be whole.  Through this work, we develop traits of the Aquarian.  We become humanitarians and spread our love far and wide.  The concept of brotherhood is well understood as we journey along our path.


Karmic astrology is a step beyond the astrology most people associate with the artistic science.  Astrology is basically a title for a collection of various studies that utilize astrological information.  The astrology most people are familiar with, often termed ‘conventional astrology’ is basically what I call personality astrology.  Using the birth chart, an astrologer looks at the person you are now and may give some information and advice on how to use your gifts while minimizing your liabilities.  Karmic astrology is looking at the past—who you were, or the type of person you could have been—and showing you how you came to be the person you are now.  It helps you understand the “why” in such questions as “Why am I so fearful of change,” “Why do I have such difficulty committing in relationship.”  The list of  Why’s can get very long!  When a person is ready to tackle these questions, they are accepting the challenges of evolution.  A Karmic Reading is not for the light-hearted; it is for the person who is ready to know and ready to move forward.  Knowing about your past can propel you headlong into the future.  You must be ready!  Upon reading your Karmic reading, you may or may not be surprised.  If you are quite evolved with deep knowledge of the self, you will likely silently nod your head in agreement.  If you have been blocking out or repressing parts of the psyche, you may very well feel shocked at some of the revelations.  Sometimes a person may say to themself “This is not my past!  How can this be me!” and it is months (or years!) down the road before their current personality is ready to accept the work ahead.  In my practice, I have rarely come upon this response and it is a sign of a person prematurely asking for answers they are not ready to receive.  I can often sense this upon first contact and I have to use my personal judgement as to how much I should divulge to these individuals.  Most of the people I counsel and work with are ready to tackle karma.  The general response is some amazement and self-acceptance and a deep, intuitive knowing.  Others suddenly feel free, as if they are floating in a ocean of understanding.  These are the ones I feel I have helped the most.  They are ready to move forward and yet can’t see through the fog on their own.  My insights pinpoint the areas they could not see—or they could see but for some reason couldn’t accept.  


Karma is a system of checks and balances.  It is not necessarily good or bad—it just is.  We’ve accumulated both aspects of karma in our journey and will continue to do so as we navigate the maze of evolution.  What we are trying to achieve is an ultimate balance that will free our soul from this plane.  We are all dark and light.  We all have the potential to be whole, and this means we all have the potential to accept who we are and we all have the power to create the life we want and need.  It may not happen in this life, but as long as we are striving continually to become that vision of who we want to be, we will be fulfilling the path most suitable for our growth.  Listen to your intuition—it knows much more than many of us give it credit for.  Our intuition is our link to ourself, and our link to the universal.



About my karmic readings:


I work with individuals and relationships.  I have the gift of being able to see into the past and I am able to see specific past lives and past life patterns.  Astrology alone cannot point out lives, or relationships.  I use the natal (birth) chart or synastry (relationship) chart to see lives.  While I am working with the charts, I will have information channeled into my mind—sometimes in visions, but more often in smells, voices, or suddenly entering the mind of that person in the past.  A very strange sensation it is, to look out and see others, or to simply know what that person knew.  Sometimes I have these visions while working with conventional astrology; however, I do not divulge this type of information in those readings.  The main reason for this is that the person is not ready for a karmic reading if he or she has not sought one out.  Although I do work with karmic aspects in the karmic readings, often it is the ‘normal’ aspects that open up information.  When I begin working on karma, I have a set intention to look and see what can be seen, so more information is given to me at these times.  It can be somewhat unsettling to have the information given to me while working on a personality chart, or a relationship consultation.  Although these occurrences allow me to understand the individual’s soul on a deeper level, it does not help me to see the current personality.   Working with karma and helping others to heal and move along more freely on their path is very satisfying and fulfilling work.  I am very thankful to be given this opportunity to help others—it is truly a path of spiritual wonder and learning.




Table of Contents - click the links to read excerpts




How to determine the karmic ties of the Saturn & Neptune Connection…....9

Karma and Reincarnation…………………………………13

Karmic relationships……………………………………… 17

Seeking the Soul-awakening Partner…………………     23

Love Transcends the Earthly Realm……………………   24

Butterflies: A symbol of a Saturn-Neptune Relationship...40

Saturn - Mythology & Astrology…………………………… 61

The Expectations of Saturn in Love………………………   71

Erecting Walls, Creating Defenses (Saturn Retrograde)… 74

Differences in Expression: Saturn Direct & Saturn Retrograde……...80

Disillusionment & Developing Compassion……………… 82

Neptune - Mythology & Astrology (Development of an Enigma)………...89

The Expectations of Neptune in Love……………………    119

Deception, Betrayal, Unbounded Unity……………………  122

Saturn – Neptune in Relationship…………………………… 126

Predator or Prey?......................................................................126

The Lover – giving love to the Beloved &

The Beloved – seeing Self through Lover’s Gaze……………131

Defying Fear, Developing Perception ……………………… 133

The transpersonal in the interpersonal: longing for transformation..137

When it doesn’t work out………………………………………139








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