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Dena L Moore, Intuitive Karmic Evolutionary Astrologer

I am an Intuitive Evolutionary Astrologer and a Venusian Metatron Channel who specializes in Karmic Relationship astrology.  As an intensive consulting astrologer, I help others to awaken and heal through understanding the spiritual significance and growth inherent in karmic relationships. I work internationally, with clients and friends all over the world.

I have enjoyed working as a professional astrologer for over 20 years, with my first practice established in 2001 at Through Night's Fire Astrology. I am published in my field in the UK and Australia and completed my extensive work on Saturn and Neptune in relationship in 2012 (Dangerous Love, Sacred Love: The Dance of Saturn and Neptune in Relationship).


I strive to bridge any cultural barriers by being open to (and studying) any and all lifestyles, belief systems, and by continuously communicating with people from different cultures. As an avid traveler, I am inspired by the places I have visited and the places I long to a poet, I see the beauty in the smallest the darkest things, and I embrace the darkness in the world. Without the dark, we we simply can't appreciate the light.


I have gone through a significant health crisis over the past few years and during that time I lost all of my former long standing websites, including Through Night's Fire Astrology, my previous Saturn-Neptune website, and Voices from Venus Tarot.  You can still see some of my old work on my Through Night's Fire Blog or read some of my old poetry, short fiction, and metaphysical articles at Author's den. My new poetry and random chatter appears on my poetry blog.


On another note, my autistic son and I are working toward purchasing a large parcel of raw land here in Tennessee to develop into a nature vacation retreat that would be friendly to children and adults with autism and other disabilities. The retreat would be developed to also host astrology, spiritual, and metaphysical conferences, classes, and workshops. We hope to have an off grid working farm/garden, walking trails, nature classes, and social activities as well as a specialty kitchen where I will create special treats and made to order allergen free meals for our guests. Gluten free, Dairy free, and Sugar free (keto) baking is my specialty. Any donations, suggestions, recommendations, and support in this endeavor would be greatly appreciated! Please contact me at my personal email DLMS29 at if interested.


Dena L Moore, Intuitive Karmic Evolutionary Astrologer
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